Our Curriculum
When children start school in Reception, they follow the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance. Currently, Cofton pupils in Years 1-6 follow the National Curriculum.
Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) is at the heart of our curriculum. This supports our ethos of our pupils being 'happy and successful' at Cofton. In order to be successful, we believe pupils should be happy at school. We also recognise that 'success' will look very different to different pupils. Our aim is for pupils to continue to be 'happy and successful', throughout their lives, in whatever they choose to do, being responsible citizens who contribute positively to society.
The children undertake a vibrant, motivating and balanced curriculum that takes account of abilities, aptitudes and physical, emotional and intellectual development. At Cofton, we aim to make this exciting and enjoyable. Most children will achieve the expected level by the end of Key Stage 1, and subsequently, by the end of Key Stage 2.
Our Curriculum Maps show how each subject is mapped out term by term. Visitors and visits are planned to help make learning 'real' and also fun so that pupils are 'happy and successful'.
If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please contact school on 0121 475 3374.
Equal Opportunities
All teaching and non-teaching staff at Cofton are responsible for ensuring that all pupils, irrespective of gender, ability, ethnic origin and social circumstances have access to the whole curriculum and the opportunity to make the greatest progress possible, in all areas of the curriculum whilst at our school.
Reading and Phonics Schemes used at Cofton
At Cofton, we use Sounds Write to support phonics and spelling.
For reading, amongst others, we use Bug Club, Rigby Star, Oxford Treetops, Scholastic Reciprocal Readers, Rising Stars, RAPID Reading, Out of this World, Collins Big Cat, Four Corners, as well as a range of novels by well-known authors, non-fiction texts, poetry and play scripts.
You can log on to Bug Club, via the 'Home Learning' tab, to access e-readers especially chosen for your child by their class teacher. The e-books also contain fun activities and quizzes to check comprehension. Have fun!
Pupils in KS2 can also log into Reading Plus.